The beautiful four-color pages of Celebrate Gettysburg are the perfect place to showcase your services. By advertising in Celebrate Gettysburg magazine, your business will reach more than 45,000 residents and tourists.
For more information, click here to e-mail our Advertising Department, or call 888-521-6810.
Enjoy these perks at no additional cost:
- A free link to your website via the digital edition
- A social media post to introduce you to our 8,000+ audience
- Complimentary magazines delivered to your location
- Bonus distribution opportunities at local events throughout the year
What our advertisers have to say:
“The larger ad really brought attention to some new residents in Adams County. Working up
proposals for these potential customers now. Always nice to get instant feedback!”
Carol Leaman, The Good Life Cleaning Services
“The magazine has gorgeous photography, with well-researched articles that probe beneath the superficial veneer of general tourist attractions and reveal the core of Adams County and its inhabitants. Boyer Nurseries & Orchards, Inc. is proud to have been an advertiser with the magazine since its inception.”
Betsy Lower, Boyer Nurseries & Orchards, Inc.