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September 29, 2024
$25.00 – $89.00
TCD Para-Con & Entertainment LLC is bringing newand exciting celebrity guests from all aspects of theparanormal, supernatural and horror! Due to theevent’s popularity a third day has been added thisyear. Vendors from far and wide will satisfy yourcuriosity in demonology, ghosts, UFOs, monsters,urban legends, cryptozoology and so much more!Psychic readers of all types will be on hand to assistin guiding you in your spiritual journey. Whether theexperienced paranormal investigator or novice ghosthunter at the local cemetery there is something foreveryone! From bestselling authors to healers, fromcrystals to Ouija boards, it will all be here!
As in previous years, The Warren’s Seekers of theSupernatural Paracon will kick off Friday eveningwith our always popular and sold-out VIP Party! Thislimited ticket party allows you to mingle and rubelbows with the event’s celebrity & special guestsalong with the New England Society for PsychicResearch team inside the special Warren’s OccultMuseum Experience Room where you can examineand take photos of Annabelle and the museum’shaunted relics up close!
Saturday and Sunday will feature celebrity and guestspeakers throughout the day (limited first come, firstserve seating available). Meet and greets withcelebrity guests (additional costs may apply).Vendors, including psychic readers and healers,authors and artists, paranormal teams, and so muchmore! This event is child friendly and all childrenmust be accompanied by a responsible adult.