Gettysburg’s Greatest Resources


Our local businesses and organizations are the most important part of making this special recognition a reality. We have put together this toolkit to provide you with all of the resources you need to get started. Download, print, share and start planning your Gettysburg’s Greatest campaign today.

Examples that you can use are below along with the link to the ballot:

Link to the ballot (click here)
Link to the ballot QR code (click here)
Social Media Post (click here)
GG-toolkit (click here)


About Author

Jessica Dean

Born and raised in Adams County, Pennsylvania, Jessica and her husband, Troy, created Celebrate Gettysburg magazine in 2007. Before starting the publication, Jessica was the art director for Frederick Magazine, a successful regional publication based in Frederick, Maryland. She was the president for the AIGA Blue Ridge chapter and has won numerous awards for her graphic design. Always eager to give back to the community, Jessica has helped to promote many local activities and has volunteered her design services to a variety of regional nonprofit organizations. She lives in downtown Gettysburg with her family.

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