Author: Jessica Dean


  • Jessica Dean

    Born and raised in Adams County, Pennsylvania, Jessica and her husband, Troy, created Celebrate Gettysburg magazine in 2007. Before starting the publication, Jessica was the art director for Frederick Magazine, a successful regional publication based in Frederick, Maryland. She was the president for the AIGA Blue Ridge chapter and has won numerous awards for her graphic design. Always eager to give back to the community, Jessica has helped to promote many local activities and has volunteered her design services to a variety of regional nonprofit organizations. She lives in downtown Gettysburg with her family.

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Celebrate Gettysburg magazine PO Box 3653Gettysburg, PA 17325 888-521-6810 For subscription inquiries contact For all other r... Read more.


Rates start at $63 a month and all packages include the print ad, digital ad in online version, at least 1 social media post, and more. The beautiful four-color... Read more.


Whether Gettysburg is your hometown or your vacation destination, Celebrate Gettysburg—the magazine that appreciates the past and highlights the present—is ... Read more.

Current Issue

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